As a student designer, I have often found that it is easy to become lost in the possibilities and forget the practical restrictions of the real world. To combat this, I attempt ground my conceptual designs in reality as much as possible.
For this set, I challenged myself to design this eclectic family home within a real sound stage in the Savannah Film Factory. After breaking down the script, I started my process by finding the sound stage ground plans and discovered that each soundstage featured rows of metal beams. Instead of designing around these beams, I decided to embrace them by incorporating columns into my set and they quickly became a key feature of my design. These columns represent the strength of the family and create eye catching shapes that emphasize the families' quirky nature.
This set was designed using google sketchup and rendered with vray.
Images depict selected plates from the final show set package as they would be presented to a technical director. These plates were drafted using Layout and the model was created with Sketchup.
Click Images to enlarge.
Images depict selected paint elevations from the final show set package as they would be presented to a technical director. These elevations were based off of a model that was created with Sketchup amd they were edited in photoshop.
Click Images to enlarge.